+ What’s the best way to get in contact?
Artists please drop us an email here.
Production please drop us an email here.
+ How many artists do you have on your books?
Key have access to over 100’000 supporting artists nationwide. Many were lovingly hand cast from our street castings
+ If I want a bespoke casting, what do you offer?
We offer bespoke casting where we spend time on the streets local to the production and engage with the local people to gauge their interest in your upcoming project. We are always supported by the local councils and stringently follow their regulations. Please drop us an email here and our team will discuss the finer points of your project and brief.
+ Do you offer on set assistance?
Here at Key Casting we pride ourselves on our relationships with the production team. Should you require any set assistance the Key Team have invaluable experience and knowledge to help and assist you through crowd processes.
General Enquiries
+ Can I make a living from being a background artist?
We advise artists that they should not rely on being an extra as their sole income. The vast majority of background artists have another source of income.
+ Can I work as a background artist only on the weekends?
There is some weekend work for supporting artists, however this will limit the number of job offers you can select as generally filming will occur during weekdays or only partly on the weekend. You can indicate in the calendar on your profile that you are only available during weekends.
+ Do you cast for featured roles?
Yes we do! We are primarily a background artist agency but often get asked for featured roles.
+ I have questions about the security or usage of my data.
We want you to feel confident in using the Entertainment Partners platform to find brilliant paid background work safe in the knowledge that your data is secure, only used for what you sign up for and not passed on or sold to any other companies. We work incredibly hard to ensure Entertainment Partners and its technology does exactly this for you and we will always happily answer any questions and be completely transparent about what data we hold, why we hold it and how we use it, and will always respect your rights over your data. You can see our up to date Privacy Policy on the Entertainment Partners website. If you have any questions - please feel free to complete this form to reach out to the privacy team.
You can find Entertainment Partners privacy policy page here
+ Can I apply for a specific project?
If you’ve heard about a specific role/project advertised and haven’t yet created an Entertainment Partners profile (why haven’t you?), then click here to join the Entertainment Partners Community and refer to KEY CASTING in the ‘How did you hear about us’ section. In some cases there will be specific references that you can select to indicate the role you’re applying for. For example: REF:Medical. If there is no reference for the role/project you wish to join us for, then you won’t be able to apply specifically. But you should still follow the steps to join the Entertainment Partners Community! Once in, you will automatically be considered for specific roles if you match the brief.
+ Can I join if I don't live in the UK?
Currently we can only accept individuals if they have a permanent base in the UK, along with the correct right to work documentation. Being booked on a production as a background artist often involves early call times and flexible availability.
+ How do I join as a supporting artist?
If you’re reliable and flexible with your time, we want you! Click here. There are a number of required fields you must fill in in order to complete your profile, which will then be approved by a member of the Entertainment Partners Team (they're snappy, it won’t take them long). Once approved, you’ll receive an email from them.
+ I've completed the required fields on my profile, why am I not approved?
Once you’ve completed your profile, you will join the approval queue where a member of the Entertainment Partners Team will check and verify your profile before you become a confirmed member of the Entertainment Partners Community.
Alternatively, if your profile is submitted but doesn’t quite meet their guidelines, don’t fret as they'll be in touch to confirm what you need to do to complete those final steps.
+ What do I need to do to join?
Join online, check out the Entertainment Partners guidelines and then complete the required fields. These are: ID - one of the following: UK or EU passport or UK Birth Certificate & official document showing NI number and full name OR Non-EU passport & accompanying visa Full Measurements These can be entered into the ‘Appearance’ section Photographs 1 x headshot (shoulders upward, neutral expression, plain white background, recent) 1 x bodyshot (knees upward, arms by side, plain white background, recent) Once you’ve done this, you’ll be added to the approval queue where the Entertainment Partners Team will then look to verify your profile, eager to welcome you into the Entertainment Partners Community!
+ Who are Entertainment Partners?
Entertainment Partners enable optimal work flow between production crew, casting agents/agencies and supporting artists. Casting agents and agencies are able to search, book and manage their entire projects via the platform, and our Community of supporting artists are visible to them all, open too many brilliant opportunities on fabulous projects.
Being An Artist With Us
+ How can I increase my chances of getting work?
The best way of increasing your chances of getting work is to make sure your profile is complete and up to date. We search for artists via the criteria you fill out on your profile, so the more up to date your profile, the more likely you will match a brief we are working on. If you don’t fill in your profile with all the relevant information, you could me missing out on potential work.
+ How can I let you know I am available for work?
The best way to inform the casting bookers of your availability is to keep your online calendar on your profile updated by clicking on the days and changing them to available or unavailable. You can also update a range of days, setting your availability by week day. It is advisable to keep the calendar accurate and up to date as we often search for people who are available as a priority.
+ I have not had much work recently, how come?
Unfortunately we have no control over the briefs coming in, nor do we have the final say who is selected (this is normally the director/producers choice). We will always try our very best to get artistes as much work as possible.
+ I have responded to an availability enquiry but heard nothing back.
If you respond to an availability enquiry correctly via the link and before the cut-off time, you will always receive an automatic confirmation email to let you now we have received your response. If you do not receive the confirmation it means your response was not registered or you tried to respond after the cut-off time.
If you have responded as available for a job, we will always try to let artistes know as soon as possible the status of the job, but this can often be late as the evening before the shoot day. If you are waiting to hear from an us regarding a confirmation or release please be patient.
+ My availability enquiry has timed out. What can I do?
We always try to give as much notice and time for artists to let us know their availability to an enquiry. However, due to the nature of the industry the turn around time is sometimes very short. If you have missed the cut-off time and are unable to respond it is likely that the options have already been sent to production and unfortunately the opportunity for you to be put forward has been missed.
On set
+ How long are shoot days?
We are not going to lie, filming days are often long hours and eary starts. You musn't be afraid of an early alarm! Length of filming days vary but should be free all day and evening when accepting a job - We will always give you as much information as possible when we make our enquiries.
+ How should I behave as an extra and on set?
You must behave in a professional manner at all times.
This includes:
Responding promptly and appropriately to availability enquiries and check-in requests sent to you by us.
Communicating professionally and appropriately with us and the Entertainment Partners Team including, but not limited to all, social media channels and via the Artist Support email.
Being reliable, polite and helpful on set
If you do not act in a professional manner including any breaches of the anti-harassment and bullying policy (which you can access by emailing us on ukartistsupport@ep.com) and/or lateness or not showing up, this may result in you being removed from the Entertainment Partners platform. If you experience any harassment or bullying on any jobs please email ukartistsupport@ep.com.
+ I am on a shoot tomorrow, when do I get the details?
We often get all the shoot details (call time, exact location) very late on the evening before the shoot. The bookers will try to get them as soon as possible but it isn’t always possible due to the nature of filming. However if you haven’t heard anything before 5pm the day before, please get in touch with us. Be ready with the name of the project and your character.
+ I signed an NDA, what is this?
An NDA (non-disclosure agreement) is an agreement confirming that you will not disclose any information about the shoot that you are on and the legal consequences of breaking the agreement. These are often comprehensive and include social network sites, so please be mindful of the terms of the agreement and take seriously the commitment you are making. This is normal and a necessary part of being involved in the media world and your agent will usually have reviewed the document prior to the shoot. However, if you have any questions about the content of the NDA, feel free to contact us before signing. You should not accept any job as a supporting artist if you are not willing to keep the confidentiality of the project. In summary, do not mention any projects you are working, or may be working on, on Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site, anywhere online and background artists should not as a general rule list themselves as cast members on IMDB.
+ What does a fitting involve?
If you are booked on a fitting for a job, it means the costume department needs to see you prior to the shoot day to fit you for a costume. The costume department and hair and make-up departments will see you and prepare your look for the role you are playing on the shoot day.
+ What does it mean to be on a pencil?
When a brief comes in, suitable artists will be sent enquiries to see if they are available for work. As soon as you respond to an enquiry to say that you are available for the given shoot day/s, you are on a PENCIL. You must then stay available for the given shoot date/s. If something else comes up that you would like to do on a day you are pencilled for, you must first check with us if you can be released BEFORE taking the other opportunity.
+ What happens on first arrival on set?
When you first arrive on set, there will be someone there to tell you where you should go. Generally speaking you will need to have your hair and make-up done, be dressed in a costume and eat breakfast. You will be directed to the various stations as appropriate. Please always follow the directions of the AD and other production crew. It is likely that you will be placed in a holding area before the shooting starts and in-between takes and scenes. Make sure you stay where you are meant to be, you must NOT wander off as you may be required at short notice and production will not be willing to search for you.
+ What if I want to drive to set?
If there is parking available on a shoot, you will probably be asked if you are a driver or reliant on public transport either in the availability request or the check-in. Be sure to follow the instructions in the check-in carefully and arrive with plenty of time to park and make your way to set. Please be aware, that parking is not always available (if for example the shoot is in Central London) or production may prefer you to use transport that is provided, so please do read each check-in carefully, all transport information will be provided there.
+ What should I do if something goes wrong on my way to filming?
Emergency contacts for both us and someone on set will be provided in the check-in information. Only contact these numbers if totally necessary and pay attention to who is best to contact as per the check-in.
+ Why have they taken my phone from me?
Some productions use very tight security precautions to protect confidentiality. They may require you to hand in your phone in order to stop photographs being taken of the shoot/props etc. Please be prepared for this. You will usually be informed about this before attending the shoot. When you arrive, a member of staff will take your phone and label it with your name, and will keep it in a secure place until you wrap at the end of the day. Please switch your phone off before handing it in. Please note that even if you are permitted to keep your phone you should not take any photographs on set, if you are seen taking photographs you may well be removed from the shoot!
+ Will there be somewhere secure to leave my bag and other things?
This is not guaranteed. But production should have somewhere secure for you to keep your items. If in doubt, ask. It is recommended that you do not bring valuables with you on a shoot.
+ Do agents using the Entertainment Partners platform have access to my bank details?
No agent, agency or Entertainment Partners staff member, other than the Entertainment Partners payroll manager, has access to your bank details. We do have access to the information on your profile for casting purposes, and we will be contacting artistes through the platform.
+ How am I taxed as a background artist?
When you work as a background artist you are working as a self-employed entertainer and it is your responsibility to register with HMRC and declare your earnings correctly. You should be able to deduct any commission, administration fee and VAT as business expenses when arriving at your net earnings that you will be subject to income tax and National Insurance contributions on. Please take professional advice on your personal tax situation as we can not offer any tax advice.
+ How do payments work?
Following your day on set, the following steps take place to pay you for the work you have done:
The production company will send Entertainment Partners/us either the completed salary vouchers (“chits”) or a report confirming the work completed by all artists on set, and this information is entered into our back office system.
You will most of the time be given an opportunity to review the details received from the production company through the job review process to catch any mistakes or omissions.
After the review is complete, Entertainment Partners will invoice the production company for the earnings of all artists on set, this generally happens on a weekly basis for each project.
The production company will settle the invoice including your payment in to the Entertainment Partners client account (a designated trust account only used for artiste monies).
On a weekly basis, Entertainment Partners process payroll paying out all cleared funds in the client account, minus any relevant commission, administration fee and any taxes that is legally obliged to be collected. You receive payment directly in to your bank account within a few days.
Our target is that this process is completed within 4 weeks for all projects, but due to factors outside of our control (including how long it takes to receive the salary vouchers and payments from production companies) we ask artists to allow 8 weeks for payments to arrive. If there is a delay beyond that, the EP back office will keep you informed.
+ How does chitless payment work? (How do I get paid without a chit?)
Entertainment Partners technology offers a chitless payment process. On certain projects cast via Entertainment Partners Technology you will be signed in and wrapped out directly via the platform and will not receive a paper chit. Instead all payment information will be recorded on the diary page of your profile. By having a completely online process this means that Entertainment Partners are able to pay our artists faster and save the trees!
On the day, you will need to sign in and wrap out with an AD so that your shoot time can be accurately logged on your profile. Any supplementary fees can also be flagged at the end of the day with the AD.
All shoot day and payment information will be imported directly and accurately on to your profile ready for you to view on your diary page on sign in. You will have visibility of provisional figures during your work day, and on wrap these figures will be updated with any overtime or supplementary fees incurred. Please be sure to flag with the AD then and there if you believe there is an indescrepencies with your total due.
Further more you will receive a job review following your work day with a full breakdown of your remittance so that you can check your payment is correct and have the chance to flag any queries prior to an invoice being raised. If you wish to have a hard copy of you earnings you can download remittance as a PDF from the diary page on your profile and print this for your records.
+ What are the current Pact/FAA rates?
Pact/FAA is the BECTU backed union agreement that governs payment for supporting artists. Films that are paying these rates are usually good productions. For a summary of the rates please see the 2025 rate cards on the BECTU website.
It is advisable to become familiar with the full agreement, as it covers most eventualities. You need to be a member of BECTU to get a copy of the full agreement. We recommend our artists to be members of BECTU/FAA as they do important work to protect the interests of supporting artists.
+ What fees will I be charged?
There are no up front, annual or other fixed fees of any kind to become or remain a registered artist with Entertainment Partners.
AGENT FEES When you are successfully placed in work by one of the agents using our platform, you will pay commission to the agent and an administration fee to Entertainment Partners. You will always be told before accepting any engagement the rate of commission and Entertainment Partners administration fee along with all other relevant details such as rate of pay so that you can make an informed decision.
The commission is normally 10% (plus VAT for those agent who are VAT registered) of your earnings depending on the engagement. Entertainment Partners administration fee is 10% plus VAT of your earnings.
Your profile
+ Has the information on my profile saved?
There is no save button located on your profile, the platform automatically saves the information you enter once it is selected or entered. The border of the field will appear green if the information has saved correctly. If there is any problem with the information you are entering a notification will appear or the border of the field will turn red.
+ How can I change my name on my profile?
If you would like to be addressed by a different name to your legal name on your ID, in Key Information on your Entertainment Partners profile, enter your preferred name into the ‘Stage Name’ field. This has to be approved by a Entertainment Partners member of staff. To receive verification please email ukartistsupport@ep.com with the subject heading: USE STAGE NAME. If your legal name is different to the name that appears on the ID that Entertainment Partners has verified please send EITHER a clear scan of your marriage certificate or deed poll to ukartistsupport@ep.com with the subject heading: CHANGE LEGAL NAME.
+ How can I change my password?
If you have forgotten your password, follow the forgotten password instructions. Once you are logged in you can set a new password from the Account Settings page. This can be found under your name in the top-right of the menu. If after following these instructions you are still having problems setting a new password, please contact ukartistsupport@ep.com with the subject heading: NO PASSWORD RECEIVED.
+ How do I unlock my profile?
You will have ten attempts to login to your profile before it is locked. If your profile has been locked due to incorrect login attempts, you will need to contact ukartistsupport@ep.com with the subject heading: LOCKED ACCOUNT so we can unlock your account. Once your account is unlocked we will be able to send you a new password to login.
+ How do I upload a copy of my DBS Certificate?
If you want to upload a copy of your DBS certificate you can upload this an an image in (.jpeg or .png) format in the Payment Information section at the bottom of your Entertainment Partners profile.
+ I can no longer access my emails, how can I get a new password to login and change my email?
If you are unable to access the email address registered with us and need a new password, you will have to contact ukartistsupport@ep.com to change your email. Be ready to answer a number of securiry questions.
+ I have a new passport/visa and would like to update it on my Entertainment Partners profile.
Entertainment Partners do not require an updated passport copy for anyone who possesses a UK passport as outdated UK passports still prove your right to work in the entertainment industry. If you have received a new visa and need to update your profile, please send a clear scan of your visa to ukartistsupport@ep.com with the subject heading UPDATE EXPIRED VISA.
+ I'm having trouble uploading photos to my profile.
If you are having trouble uploading photos to your profile please remember that the platform only accepts .jpeg and .png formats. The file type .pdf are not accepted.